Saturday, March 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

TSDR 2014

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Creamy spaghetti with cream cheese and smoked salmon

Ingredients (for four) 
     500 g spaghetti
     8 slices smoked salmon
     150 g cream cheese with herbs (Boursin)
     3 strains leeks
     2 onions (shallots or twice)
     1 clove of garlic
     1/2 bunch chives
     3 sprigs thyme
     2 bay leaves
     1 part Noilly Prat (dry vermouth or white wine)
     3 dl cream
     knob of butter

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

WhatsupinGreece? A Christmas post...

Let us start with the good news:
Yianni has a roof under his head. Those who do not know Yianni, can start with this small item on Belgian national TV. (in Dutch and Greek, an English description of the video can  be found here) It spurred up a nationwide virtual commotion to help him. "Φελό να ξεφύγω αυτό το εφιάλτη" he said "I want to escape this nightmare" and finally he did. All credit goes to Bruno Tersago, journalist living in Athens and the person who "discovered" the man. No thanks to the EU or any authority whatsoever but by the common man and with common means. All Yianni had left was a twitter-account to communicate, his new-found friend Bruno and his followers. A great Christmas story how technology can aid a homeless man, but others are still not that fortunate. Right in front of the Acropolis there is a hill, Philopappou Hill, traditionally a hot-spot for the Japanese but now it is literary inhabited by another yet stranger species; The Athenian cave-man!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Doxies in Hugo.

Noticed the Dachshunds at the station café ? The one here on the right looks very much like my Loekie. My heart always jumps up whenever I see a doxie in the movies. Thanks Marty! Oh, and they did a grand performance as well, watch them at 0:58 of this trailer.