Still (photgraphed) from the DVD "Mamma Mia". Watched this movie NOT for ABBA nor for the acting performances from Meryl Streep (OK but sometimes over) or Pierce Brosnan (OK but sometimes under) but because the outdoor shoots were almost entirely set in Greece (Agios Ioannis Chapel, Skopelos, Damouchari, Pelion, Kastani Beach, Skopelos). Good Greek photography (Haris Zambarloukos), The best acting came from the extras, excellent propping and set decoration, and of course the divine light of Greece. And I even enjoyed (some of) the dancing. Memorable performances by Christine Baranski, Julie Walters (seen better), La Streep (at times) and Amanda Seyfried. Anyways I brought the Greek locations together as sort of an idea for a trip down there...(if not on the beaten track already)
Kastani Beach, Skopelos, Greece
Grotere kaart weergeven
Agios Ioannis Chapel, Skopelos, Greece
Grotere kaart weergeven
Damouchari, Pelion, Greece
Grotere kaart weergeven