In for a real Christmas treat ? Buy Ratatouille with all the extra's! Or, if you're a little short in these expensive days simply go to your local video store and rent it. I was in one yesterday and just didn't know what to choose. Until suddenly a guy picked it up from the shelf (it was way down) and my choice was undoubtedly made. We smiled at each other. Two grown men that obviously had seen it already. Why? Because it's simply the best flick from 2007! I must confess it's is also the only one I saw this year in a public theater. Only ten of us (lucky ones) had the whole thing to ourselves. Still, it's really awkward to express your emotion then. We giggled but never out loud but felt privileged and honored by this premiere. I guess my friend from the video store was also there. I am a Pixar fan from the very first day. Not many people know this, but, if it wasn't for them, we would not have an iPod in our hands. Long story so, back to the movie. To be moved by the life of an entire rat colony is already an achievement, but it's also educational, insanely funny, and a roller coaster when it comes to suspense. Haven't seen it yet?...You Lucky You...You have more than two hours of excellent, hi-tech and still old fashioned entertainment in front of you. Have seen it...well, what are you waiting for.
Have seen it and didn't like it? Man, go see a shrink.