Just click on the Image
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Cuisses de Grenouilles
Tonight I am making "Cuisses de Grenouilles" or Frog Legs, but somehow that sounds less appetizing. It's a family tradition. Instead of the old turkey, which left-overs stay in the fridge until you get sick just watching them, we serve frog legs, that without a doubt will vanish faster than the poor creatures can jump. I'm intrigued by their taste. It's not chicken nor fish, I guess it taste like...frog. Normally we serve them on New-Year's eve, it amazingly opens up your palette. This is due to the large amount of garlic of course, so everyone must eat them, or prepare themselves for a lousy evening. I will make 2 versions; the Classic one and a own Provençale version (in a a rich tomato sauce with green olives and herbs). Be not sparse with the butter, parsley and garlic, serve them with French bread or fine bread rolls, and you have a perfect opener. Tell your invites that the little cup with water and lemon inside, is NOT for drinking.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Share your music with the world...here's my favorite singer-song writer: John Martyn, and what Last.fm chooses as "music like him". Not always so, but hey, it's a very nice widget in your side bar. Load this radio in a pop-up and you listen to your favorite, mood-appropriate music all day long. And if you have a FM Transmitter you can "wire" it throughout the house on all radio's available.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells....
Finally I saw "Breaking and Entering" from my beloved Anthony Minghella. This movie was criticizes a lot and I don't see why. This is certainly one of the most "beautiful" releases (in Belgium) of the year. In Turnhout I believe, if ever, it had came and had gone in a wink. With a superb Jude Law, a delicious Robin Wright Penn, and first rate performer Juliette Binoche -some evil minds might say overacting- , what could go wrong? Mix that with Minghella's proven excellent music taste (Gabriel Yared & Underworld!) and editing skills, an original story and excellent photography (Benoit Delhomme) and you're in for a good night out, with all the ingredients a movie needs. Mind you, this is a film for adults, kids would be bored to death.
But it's that kind of film that gives you just enough time to think, breathe and think again, afterwards, especially if you had a break-in yourself once, and what that can do a relationship.
Monday, December 24, 2007

Have seen it and didn't like it? Man, go see a shrink.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Powerfull software & great cartoons
All on aniboom
Create 2D Cartoons online using their free animation software
or animated gifs for profiles with aniBoom's webcam animation tool.
Communicate with the animation community or compete to win prizes.
Or just watch their incredible collection of cartoons like their:
Race for the White House.
Create 2D Cartoons online using their free animation software
Communicate with the animation community or compete to win prizes.
Or just watch their incredible collection of cartoons like their:
Race for the White House.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Yummy shoes
Freezing cold out there, no snow, but the roofs are already whitish. Better stay inside if you can , the goats in the park are so hungry they even consider shoes as yummy....
Thanks to her I also found another real Web 2.0 application, called Imagekind. Here you can sell your 'Art' like pictures on Flickr.
Worth checking out...
Worth checking out...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Doe er Zelf iets aan...

ps. Mac users will have to wait a while for a release.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Good news for those who like the Dark...

First there is Dark Room, a real clone:
Saturday, December 15, 2007
iPhone Wallpaper
Saturday night and all I can show is my renewed desktop resembling the iPhone. I'm turning into a geek. even got pizza's in the oven and a typical fluked American comedy on hold. Well, it's cold out there...

I could go to the "National Comic Strip festival" which is
held every year in my hometown, but I'm not that kind of geek and the cartoon here describes best what I feel about the whole event. Nothing personal folks, live and let die, I believe, but give me the fresh air of a real balloon, instead of stinky gatherings of (strangely enough) mostly male strip-addicts. This one comes from the "house-cartoonist" of our local online newspaper Gvt (see link above), a guy called Gie, who I believe doesn't make much out of this, but we also have (luxury Europe) a "City-cartoonist" who makes some 4.250 € a year. One can discuss
on whether that's worth some 12 drawings or so, but in my modest opinion here's again an example on how we live in a world, were (some of us) don't know where we should spend all our extra money on. A "City cartoonist" for a city like T. (40.000 inhabitants see Wiki for more info) There's a word for that...starts with an M. But hell, it's too cold out there...Oops Gie, didn't ask for your permission here, will you forgive me?, anyways, that makes us even on that matter.

I could go to the "National Comic Strip festival" which is

on whether that's worth some 12 drawings or so, but in my modest opinion here's again an example on how we live in a world, were (some of us) don't know where we should spend all our extra money on. A "City cartoonist" for a city like T. (40.000 inhabitants see Wiki for more info) There's a word for that...starts with an M. But hell, it's too cold out there...Oops Gie, didn't ask for your permission here, will you forgive me?, anyways, that makes us even on that matter.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Great Flash Movies, Humping Dogs & Death...
It's a pity I (like the other part of the world population) cannot read Chinese* because one can find real fun stuff on their sites:
Thursday, December 13, 2007
under construction
Blog has been interrupted due to a limited Internet connection.
Working on it...Yoehoe...FON is back so we can go on...I cannot get my blog on the Belgian map. The reason I guess is that Blogger doesn't allow it. Or am I doing something wrong...Well what the heck, at least you can see the others, and you are already on mine now.
Working on it...Yoehoe...FON is back so we can go on...I cannot get my blog on the Belgian map. The reason I guess is that Blogger doesn't allow it. Or am I doing something wrong...Well what the heck, at least you can see the others, and you are already on mine now.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Jonathan Coulton's Flickr movie
*So is Blogger, of course ;) Didn't know it was this easy. Anyone can do this. Though knowing a bit of html might help for a personalized template and customizing things.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Niks in mijn laarsjes, zeiknat ja, want door gebrek aan schouw buiten laten staan. Er sprong zelfs een kikker uit, dus toch wat verrast. De hele dag is trouwens toch weg geregend, jammer voor de kids. Ik heb ooit eens in een zeer vrijgevige bui zo'n mooi zingende bende eerst op wat snoep getrakteerd en ze daarna vijf euro toegestopt. Die gezichtjes waren het waard. Om eerlijk te blijven heb ik op andere gelegenheden ook wel 's 'niemand thuis' gespeeld.En dat van die kikker is natuurlijk ook niet waar en geloof toch niet dat ik mijn nieuwe boots buiten ga zetten zeker. Maar het blijft jammer dat Klaas dit jaar weeral niet is langs geweest.
Ondertussen laten we Klaas en alle andere heiligen prijzen van wat we hier in T bespaard zijn gebleven met name :
STUDIO 100 & kompanen
merkwaardig serendipistich (!) filmpje van snespower
Voor de liefhebbers: YouTube zit tjokvol met Samson persiflages. De een al wat minder perfide dan de andere. Zoek maar eens op Samson & Fred.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
"If God dies, at least we'll still have St. Nicholas." (Russian saying)
Wel ik doe dit steeds voor het nieuwe jaar. Ik start een blog vandaag, 5 december 2007, de dag voor Klaas. Niet vergeten schoentje buiten te zetten, je weet maar nooit.
Mijn SK-mythe (oppassen voor de kleintjes) werd doorbroken toen ik ontdekte dat Klaas dezelfde bril droeg als mijn "nonkelugo".
Toen ik dat liet merken, bewoog zijn belachelijk watten baard en schoten alle volwassenen in één -duivels- lachsalvo. In tegenstelling met Toon Hermans had mijn klaas wel een prachtige outfit. Het is dan ook in de familie gebleven. Niko-Laos, overwinnaar van het volk, een schitterend feest, helaas niet meer in zijn oorspronkelijke vorm. Op Teleacs Hoe?Zo! (747 AM) is er een zeer interessante uitzending over dit fenomeen. Historicus Frits Booy geeft antwoorden op vragen zoals: Waarom zetten we eigenlijk onze schoen? Waar komt Zwarte Piet vandaan? En waarom wordt er met snoepgoed gestrooid?
foto: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas
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